Ignore the labels people give you

Students in the school classroom with the teacher
(Digital oil paint image created using a photo from PixaBay)

In a school classroom, one student playfully pasted a paper on his classmate’s back that read “I’m an Idiot”.

Then he asked the rest of the class to keep it a secret.

This caused laughter from time to time among the students.

In the afternoon, the math class began, and the teacher presented a challenging question on the board.

To everyone’s surprise, the only one who could solve it was the boy with the sticker.

Amid the unexplained laughter, he confidently approached the board and answered the problem.

The teacher, impressed, asked the class to applaud him and told him to take the paper off his back.

She then said to him, “It seems that you don’t know about the paper your classmate has stuck on your back.”

Addressing the entire class, the teacher said, “Before I consider any punishment, let me share two important lessons with you.”

“First, throughout your life, people will use hurtful words to label you and hinder your progress.”

“If your classmate had known about the paper, he might not have volunteered to answer the question.”

“In life, all you have to do is ignore the labels people give you and take every opportunity you have to learn, grow and improve yourself.”

“Second, it’s not about the number of friends you have, it’s about the loyalty and support they offer you.”

“It’s evident that he doesn’t have a loyal friend among all of you who would inform him about the sticker.”

“If you don’t have friends who can defend you behind your back, look out for you, and genuinely care, it’s better to be alone.”

Moral of the story

In life, ignore the labels people give you and take every opportunity you have to learn, grow and improve yourself.

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