“Maybe” – Don’t live by other people’s words

Two old men talking
(Digital oil paint image created using a photo from PixaBay)

Once upon a time there was an old farmer who had cultivated his crops for many years.

The farmer had a beautiful and energetic horse, which actively assisted him in his daily rides around the farm and village.

One day his horse ran away. As soon as the news spread, his neighbors came to see him.

“So unfortunate,” neighbors said sympathetically.

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

The next morning the escaped horse returned home with three more wild horses.

“How wonderful,” exclaimed the neighbors.

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy for his misfortune.

The next day the farmer’s son who tried to ride an untamed wild horse, was thrown away and broke his leg.

“So unfortunate,” neighbors said sympathetically.

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

The next day, army officers came to the village to recruit the youths to the army. Seeing that the son’s leg was broken, they avoided recruiting him.

“He was lucky to escape due to the broken leg,” neighbors said excitedly.

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

Moral of the story

Don’t get frustrated or excited because of other people’s words. Circumstances can change in ways you don’t think.

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